When Nevusside sent me this instrumental, it didn't grab me straight away. The first half of it felt like it was trying go somewhere but not getting very far, looping again and again and again. The chorus had a lovely levity to it, but it quickly returned to that same loop which seemingly had no end. Then the horns come in.
I knew straight away. This is CLUTCH. I thought it was done but it really wasn't. It was really was something special.
So the concept of the song was born. Triumph from certain failure, a theme I see again and again in life. Often the concept of "Clutch" is heavily tied to sports where this process can be seen quickly happening in the space of a game, but really it happens through all domains in life. For example after 4 weeks this video is still sat on only 160 views on youtube, but I'm certain it's still in the infancy of what it's going to be ;D
My mum shot this music video
(if in email here's the link - )
Very grateful to the amazingly talented Keri Arrindell for lending her incredible voice to the song and taking the chorus out of the stratosphere. Another clutch moment for me, cause before, it had me singing on the chorus!!!
Hope you all good and having a fantastic summer, sorry I was late with this update, you know how life be!